Saturday, July 9, 2022 at 5:00:00 AM UTC
1611 W 14th St, Austin, TX 78703, USA
Large Format Marbling + Silk Neckerchief
Back by demand: LARGE FORMAT PAPER MARBLING!! I typically offer this class over the holidays as a handmade gift wrap workshop but printing large is so enjoyable I figured why limit the fun... In past classes we've kept the prints on paper but this time I decided to add a silk neckerchief to the mix so participants will leave with a wearable souvenir as well!
Each participant will have their OWN large marbling tray and time to practice learned techniques and color combinations printing their designs on 18 x 24 sheets of paper and a silk twill neckerchief.
These papers are fantastic as gift wrap, bookbinding/ book arts, collage and many other craft applications- I'm planning to use mine as a hand made lamp shade! Students will work at their own pace and leave with between 5-10 sheets of hand marbled paper depending on speed and detail of design.
* No previous Marbling experience required!
Register here: